Why we use Ice for Injury Rehabilitation and treatment

Ice is a common tool used in injury rehabilitation.

It is used to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing. Ice can be used in a variety of ways, including ice packs, ice baths, and cold compresses.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using ice in injury rehabilitation, how to use it safely, and when to seek medical attention.


The Benefits of Ice in Injury Rehabilitation

Ice is a great tool for injury rehabilitation because it can reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing. When ice is applied to an injured area, it causes the blood vessels to constrict, which reduces swelling and inflammation. This can help reduce pain and promote healing.

Ice can also help reduce muscle spasms, which can help reduce pain and improve mobility. Ice can also help reduce the risk of further injury.

When an area is swollen, it can be difficult to move the joint or muscle properly. Applying ice can help reduce swelling and make it easier to move the joint or muscle without further injury.


How to Use Ice Safely When using ice for injury rehabilitation,

We must understand that it is important to use it safely. Ice should never be applied directly to the skin. Instead, it should be applied through a cloth or towel. This will help protect the skin from damage and prevent frostbite.

Ice should also be applied for no more than 20 minutes at a time. This will help prevent tissue damage and ensure that the ice is effective.

How long do we apply Ice for

After 20 minutes, the ice should be removed and the area should be allowed to rest for at least an hour before reapplying the ice.

In an ideal situation we should consider that using Ice Bags or Ice Packs that are now available to allow the injured limb to be restricted and in addittion to allow the injured person to move around when required.

When we follow the R.I.C.E.R Principle we should also understand the time limites that we need to use Ice for -

A Rule of thumb is -

Day 1 - Ice for 20 minutes in every hour for the first day and where possible night - however do not leave the ice on while you are sleeping - simply try and elevate the injured area if possible

Day 2- Try to apply ice at least every 2 hrs or 3 hourly

Day 3 - We need to be icing every 6 hrs

Day 4 - by now we may need to start stretching the damaged area - applying ice after each stretching session to at least 20 min every 6 to 8 hrs (morning - afternoon and evening)

Day 5- After every stretching session or activity (whether that be walking, riding a bike, swimming etc) and at least 2 times a day

By now you need to be speaking to a professional if the injury is still restrictive - SEEK Help

3-Reusable-Hot-Cold-Packs-in-3-Sizes-6911-inches-1.jpgR.I.C.E.R stands for -
  • R = Remove yourself from the work area - rugby field - training area
  • I = Ice
  • C = Compression applied to the injured area - often the ice bags come with strapping that will allow that to happen
  • E = Elevate the injured area /Limb etc.
  • R= Recovery or seek professional help
When to Seek Medical Attention If you are using ice for injury rehabilitation and you experience any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention: •
  • Severe pain • Swelling that does not improve after 24 hours •
  • Redness or discoloration of the skin •
  • Numbness or tingling •
  • Loss of mobility

Ice packs are a great tool for injury rehabilitation. It can help reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing. However, it is important to use it safely and seek medical attention if any of the above symptoms occur. With proper use, ice can be an effective tool for injury rehabilitation.




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